Sport is also crucial to the fabric of the town, taking on something of a religious nature here. Melburnians are passionate about AFL football ('footy'), cricket and horse racing, and also love their grand-slam tennis and Formula One car racing.

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6 комментариев:
Une ville impressionnante aux monuments multiples ... merci pour vos merveilleuses photos.
Gros bisous
Wow! These are some real nice pics! Great post I must admit.
Lubię podróże i oglądanie wspaniałych miast, jak to które pokazujesz. Niestety moje podróże kończą się na Europie, na więcej mnie nie stać. Pozdrawiam.
I like traveling and watching the great cities, as that showing. Unfortunately my journeys end in Europe, the more I can not afford. Yours.
in my imagination, melbourne was a relativy small citie without skydrypers, lol
I live in São Paulo. We have several museums in São Paulo, churches and cathedrals.
There are many beautiful places.
The cities of Curitiba, Brasilia, Foz do Iguacu, Manaus, Belem, Fortaleza, stones Seven Cities, and the canyons of southern Brazil are stunning.
Well worth a post on your blog.
A hug.
I do not like big cities, but your pictures - amazing ;)
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